ESCCA 2022
The ESCCA Conferences have become of major importance for education and scientific exchange in the fields of basic, translational and clinical applications in cytometry, in particular, flow cytometry applications and in Hematology, Immunology, Cancer and Cell Biology.
ESCCA 2022 will take place in Belfast, Northern Ireland, from Wednesday 21 - Saturday 24 September 2022.
scientific programme
The programme will include plenary sessions, educational tracks in the fields of Hematology-Oncology, Data analysis and Immunology, and abstract and poster presentations.
The parallel sessions (PAR) will cover 3 educational tracks: Advances in hemato-oncological diseases, Fundamentals in Clinical Flow and Antigen specific immunology in disease.
You can download the programme at a glance, full programme and poster (board) overview via the buttons here below.
The full programme and posters as well as the abstracts will also be available in the congress app. On Monday 19 September all registered delegates will receive and email with instructions for downloading this app.
pre-conference training courses
On Wednesday 21 September 2022 from 09.00-12.30 hrs., five pre-conference training courses will take place for a limited number of participants.
Training course 1: Measurable residual disease in MM
Organiser: Juan Flores-Montero
Level: Advanced. Max. 25 places.
Measurable residual disease (MRD) detection during follow-up is one of the aspects currently drawing more attention in multiple myeloma (MM). Growing evidence is being gathered that confirms the clinical relevance of MRD detection, particularly for the most recent high-sensitive methodologies, as they continue to move closer to the routine clinical laboratory. In this curse we will review the utility of MRD detection in clinical practice and, deepen our understanding on the Next Generation Flow methodology by gaining first-hand practical experience on data analysis, interpretation and reporting.
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Trainng course 2: Validation and ISO accreditation of FCM assays
Organisers: Iuri Marinov (Prague, CZ) and Frank Preijers (Nijmegen, NL)
Level: Advanced. Max 50 participants.
In the first part of the course participants will receive a comprehensive review of the Regulation (EU) 2017/746 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices. During the second part participants will learn the approaches for preanalytical, analytical and postanalytical validation procedures for in-house FCM methods. In the last part participants will gain understanding of the requirements for ISO 5189 accreditation.
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Trainng course 3: AML-MRD
Organiser: Willemijn Hobo (Nijmegen, NL)
Level: Advanced. Max 50 participants.
Treatment intensity of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients is based on prognostic risk classification. One of the most important prognostic factors in AML is measurable residual disease (MRD) after intensive chemotherapy and therefore incorporated in clinical practice to select the appropriate consolidation treatment. Although molecular techniques are available, flow cytometry is currently the most commonly used. Recently the ELN AML MRD working party (ELN-DAVID) has published the latest technical insights (PMID: 34964040). Based on this, in this course we (Francesco Buccisano, Jacqueline Cloos and colleagues) will provide details on the different flow techniques and which facets of the measurements are key for accurate and good quality measurements, such as instrument settings, sample preparation, data analysis and reporting.
Download the programme
ESCCA members will be able to take the official ESCCA European Cytometry Certification Examination (1st level) in Belfast on Wednesday morning 21 September. Please consult the ESCCA membership section.