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An alphabetical overview of the poster presenters including the poster board number and the poster instructions can be downloaded here below.

Call for Abstracts

Abstract submission is closed

Please read the instructions carefully before you access the online abstract submission system. 
Questions? Please contact the Registration Office (contact details at the bottom of this page).

Key dates

  • 15 May 2024

    Abstract submission open

  • 25 June 2024

    Deadline abstract submission (23:59:59 CEST) 1, 2

  • 6 July 2024

    EXTENDED deadline abstract submission (23:59:59 CEST) 1 -
    for posters only

  • on or around 15 July 2024

    Notifications of acceptance

  • 15 August 2024
    Early registration deadline

1 All accepted abstract presenters must register and pay before the early fee deadline. Acceptance of abstracts into the programme and Abstract Book is subject to the receipt of the registration and registration fee by 15 August. Please make sure to register in time!
2 Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered for oral presentation, only for a poster

topics/presentation types

Abstract topics
  1. Hemato-Oncology
  2. Immunology
  3. Other
Presentation types

Abstracts can be submitted as oral presentation or poster.

The Scientific Committee will make the final selection of abstracts to be included in the programme.

  • Oral presentation: The 8 highest scoring abstracts will be selected for a presentation of 15 minutes in the plenary session 'Selected Best Abstracts' on Thursday 26 September (PLE04) or Friday 27 September (PLE07). If you submit an abstract for an oral presentation, please make sure you will be able to attend the Conference on these days. 
  • Poster presentation: Posters will be displayed in the Exhibition area during the entire Conference

All presenters must register before the early registration fee deadline. Acceptance of abstracts into the programme is contingent upon receipt of the registration fee.

One of the Oral Presentations and one of the Posters will be eligible for resp. the ESCCA Best Oral Abstract Presentation Award and ESCCA Best Poster Presentation Award. The winners twill be entitled to a free registration for the next ESCCA Conference.

abstract guidelines

To be selected to present you are required to submit an abstract via the online abstract submission system. Faxed or hard copy submissions will not be accepted.

  • All abstracts must be written in English.
  • Authors may submit and present a maximum of two abstracts but can be mentioned as a co-author of other papers.
  • If you wish to submit abstract that has already been presented at another conference, the abstract should be updated to include novel information or updated results. 
  • Deadlines: see above.

Step 1. Prepare your abstract. Please carefully read all the instructions in the next section. Abstracts not submitted in this format may not be considered for review.

Step 2. Enter the online abstract submission system and follow the instructions. After having completed the required details, copy paste the text of your abstract in the appropriate section.

Please do NOT include the title and author names/details in the abstract text; these are to be inserted in separate sections!

Step 3. After having completed the submission process you will receive an automatically generated email to confirm that your abstract has been submitted successfully. Please check your spam folder if you have not received this confirmation.

Please note: 
Submitting an abstract does not automatically register you for participation to the conference. All presenters of accepted abstracts must register for the Conference before the early registration fee deadline.
In line with the ESCCA policy, a honorarium or expense payment will not be provided for the presenters.


Draft your abstract:


Maximum length of the abstract: 400 words. Longer abstracts will be rejected by the system. The submission programme will automatically calculate the size of your abstract and will not allow submissions that do not fit the size requirements.

  • Maximum length of the title: 20 words. Please make sure to type the title correctly.
  • Do NOT type the abstract title in capital letters.
  • The title should clearly define the topic. Do NOT identify your institution/name in the title.
  • Do NOT put a full stop after the title.
    Example 1: Guidelines on clinical diagnostic cytometry
    Example 2: Diagnosis in immunodeficiencies. A summary
Body of the abstract

Abstracts should be written and structured as indicated below.

  • Single line spacing is required.
  • Include 4 paragraph headers in bold and followed by a colon (:)
  • Insert a space, then follow with the text
  • Start the next paragraph on the next line.
  • Do NOT insert a white line in between the 4 sections of your abstract

As follows:

Introduction: Indicate the purpose and objective of the research, the hypothesis that was tested or a description of the problem being analysed or evaluated.
Methods: Describe the setting/location for the study, study design, study population, ethical considerations, data collection and methods of analysis used.
Results: Present as clearly and detailed as possible the findings/outcome of the study, with specific results in summarised form.
Conclusions: Briefly discuss the data and main outcome of the study, treatment, care and/or support, and implications of the results. (it is not acceptable to state: “The results will be discussed”).

  • Tables, images and pictures are NOT allowed.
  • Use numbers for numbers and only very well-known abbreviations e.g., ml, kg, MRI. If you must use other abbreviations, you must explain the first time it appears.
  • Commercial submitters are asked to edit their abstracts to remove unsubstantiated claims, e.g. "easy-to-use" kit.

It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact in the abstract text will be reproduced as typed by the author.


Please carefully read the instructions mentioned here above before you submit your abstract!

Abstract submission is closed


All submitted abstracts will go through a blind peer-review carried out by an international reviewing committee. Reviewers will give rankings from 1 to 5 points, taking into consideration the following 4 criteria:

  • Relevance of the subject/originality
  • Relevance/value of the results
  • Study design/scientific value
  • Quality of presentation

After giving the rankings, reviewers will submit the recommended presentation style (oral or poster). Reviewers can make suggestions to the subject.

notifications of acceptance

Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitting (corresponding) author. Please also note that only the submitting author will receive mail concerning the abstract.

terms & conditions

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The personal information supplied in connection with the abstract submission will be held by ESCCA as a record of attendees and parties expressing interest in the ESCCA 2024 Conference. By submitting an abstract for this Conference the parties concerned are agreeing that ESCCA may:

  • use that personal information to contact them by email, direct mail or telephone, in order to supply information relevant to this Conference and future ESCCA Conferences and ESCCA meetings.
  • use that personal information to be included in the relevant Conference documentation, such as an abstract book, online and/or printed scientific programme and Abstract Book, abstract (oral and poster) overviews and dedicated congress app.

Any personal data will be solely used in accordance with current EU data protection legislation (GDPR) and will not be disclosed to a third party without the delegate’s written consent.

Terms of use

By accessing and/or using the online submission system you agree (also on behalf of co-authors) to all the terms of the abstract submission guidelines and instructions as mentioned on this webpage. Please note that transfer of copyright applies to all material submitted through this online system.

Conference Embargo Policy

In the case of the ESCCA 2024 Conference, as with most scientific/medical conferences, all conference abstracts are released to delegates under a strict embargo policy. You will acknowledge that it is a condition of your acceptance that you will not provide another lecture/workshop/seminar to an audience in Europe for a period of two weeks before or after the conference, apart from regular undergraduate and/or postgraduate teaching.


Copyright of the abstract(s) is assigned to ESCCA and/or the ESCCA 2024 Conference. Accepted abstracts can be published in one of the following publications:

  • Online abstract book downloadable from the Conference website (access restricted to registered participants only, for the duration of 1 month)
  • Online abstract book published on the ESCCA website / membership section (no time restriction)
  • Online abstract book published on Wiley's website of Cytometry B


The Conference organisers, Your Conference Support, has assigned Parthen to process the registrations and abstracts for this conference. Please contact them directly if you need assitance with the abstract submission process:

Amsterdam, the Netherlands
phone: +31 20 572 73 01